my instructor was extremely menopausal
there were absolutely NO turtle sightings(thank YOU planetscuba for wrecking my turtle sighting streak)
there were absolutely NO pretty girls too(quite a common phenomenon, i find)
i lost a mask(my own fault and stupidity, by the way anyone wants to accompany me to get a replacement mask for planetscuba?)
the beach was a bi... ok nevermind. suffice to say, it was not a beach. it was TINY. it's just a patch of sand
the boat ride was rather seasick inducing
the stupid shower actually ran out of water at the end when everyone was rushing for a bath. imagine the misery!
all in all, the worst dive trip i have ever had. talk about getaway, i couldn't wait to get the hell away from pulau aur.
ok now on to the good stuff :
my bouyancy control is improving! cheers to that! can act pro now and hover upside down for a bit
i saw flying fish! a whole school skipping in and out of the water!
night dive is an experience everyone should try, regardless of what you do or do not manage to see. the best part was when we turned our torches off and waved our hands: the agitated bioluminescent plankton would give an irritated glow. in english, when we waved our hands, it looked like there were sparks in the water. veeryyy preeeeettyyy!
a getaway is a getaway nonetheless. managed to take a nice break from everything and just concentrate on diving
ok i got a tan. i think i sound like i'm running out of reasons here, but i did get a tan!
so, on to the more important stuff.
admittedly, i HAVE lost that sense of amazement and wonder during this dive trip. which is quite a pity, really. but i DID ponder, among other things, how ironic that God would ostensibly hide this seemingly insane myriad of colours and their combinations from our eyes, and conceal it underwater, only for a few to see.
it's rather mind boggling, that when WE are the fishes out of water(pun intended), we observe for a moment what goes on everyday ever since time began, and we end up getting blown away, marveling at its beauty.
the question on my mind was: how much more is there? how much more before i could actually disbelieve what would be before my eyes. now i start to imagine better how the israelites could not bear to behold God's glory. perhaps there ARE things that are too amazing, and too beautiful.
it's an immense pity, that people could scuba dive their whole life, and ignore the obvious fact that the very beautiful creations were handcrafted by an even more beautiful God.
i hope never to ever go back to aur again. i'll settle, at the very least, for Dayang. but i want to go back for diving now that i have my advanced open water certificate!!
For you make me glad by your deeds, O Lord;
I sing for joy at the works of your hands.
How great are your works, O Lord,
how profound your thoughts!
The senseless man does not know,
fools do not understand,
that though the wicked spring up like grass
and all evildoers flourish
they will be forever destroyed
Psalm 92: 4-7