6am: wake son up to open the door
6.05am:bug the father for breakfast
6.15am: scratch at son's door to be carried in and go back to sleep on son's bed(now that the son has found work, daughter takes place, if not, go to own bed and sleep)
6.20am-12pm: sleep/keep low profile lest grandma scolds for absolutely no reason at all
12pm: bug anyone and everyone for extra lunch
1pm: back to afternoon nap in own bed
6.30pm: greet son when he comes back from work, follow son around until father and mother arrive
7.30pm: greet father and mother. remember to treat father badly by barking very loudly
7.30pm: bug people for extra dinner. father is most likely to relent, followed by son, then grandmother.
8pm: dash upstairs and proceed to bark madly at father again. exercise a bit by playing catching with anyone who will play(usually the father)
10pm: start bugging son to open door. must be carried in by son so as to maintain high level of class and respect.
11pm: sleep on son's bed. walk over son a few times to make sure he does not go to sleep peacefully.
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