Tuesday, January 27, 2009

don't get cocky!

right so here's one cocky fellow.

ok well the images don't seem to be loading on stupid blogger. 
suffice to say, i found out that jeremy quek and a few others (like joel ong and tim wan) have been right about my intelligence all along. or rather, the lack of it. because genius me intended to bring my mac along, snickering happily that THIS YEAR i have something to fight the immense boredom in malaysia.

i DID bring the mac. i stuffed it in my bag and everything. in fact, i intended to do this 'photo journal' during the malaysia trip. the only problem was that i forgot to bring the adaptor. so with 4 hours of battery life on my macbook, i ended up with a 3kg ipod and little more than no self esteem.

this year was pretty good. my usually unreasonable mother decided to be a little more motherly and less unreasonable, and we did not visit any relatives save for our immediate cousins. (does that mean that we can decide to be cousins at a later stage in life? or have i used immediate wrongly?)

after Batu Pahat i travelled to malacca. and it was there i found out that gula melaka(the magic stuff they put into their chendol that makes their chendol taste so foreign compared to singapore) is just plain old boring caramel. probably with some other parts. but oh, if I can taste caramel, it means there's a hell lot of caramel. that said, malaysia's food is waaay better than singapore's food. hate to say it, but it's true man. 

what made my experience a little more tragic was that my cousin's house had wireless! not to get all patronizing, but last year when i visited, their means of connectivity was just via the LAN cable. and this year they had wireless!!! imagine if i had my macbook AND adaptor! i was probably more green than the pomelo on my cousin's table, what with watching my sis go on msn, facebook, getting all sorts of messages(ok i'm also jealous that SHE gets messages while I don't because she's a pretty girl and i'm not.) while i had to watch malaysian chinese sing new year songs and trying to convince people that they were very happy and enthusiastic about continuing the great legacy of chinese tradition.

by the way, the original plan was to have lots and lots of photos. but until now, i couldn't really upload any. this sucks man. 

Malaysia has a lot more stripes on the road than singapore. and i don't mean the pedestrian crossings. i mean the kind that ridge out, and made me think 'HEY THAT WAS FUN LETS GO OVER MORE' when i was a kid. but now, it just made the urgency of my toilet break even more urgent. fortunately there was no loss of self control.

the journey back was like 6 hours. there was actually an accident in between the countries at the 2nd link(TAKE THAT YOU LANE CUTTERS) which caused the entire queue to come to a standstill for twenty minutes. and then the horny buggers started their stuff. i hate those car horns. it doesn't improve the traffic situation, but it sure fires you up! 

ok that seems to be all. blogger apparently doesn't seem very keen on letting you upload your photos, just to let you know. 

something comprehensible!

alright here's something comprehensible! my new year experience! 
it's not that new, since it's been going on for 20 years(1 year was when i was forced to miss it cos my passport expired, and i ended up collecting extra money cos i visited my cousins' relatives. yummy.)

so here's a coherent(i hope) post that is not at any risk of having any incorrect christian doctrine!

For the first visit, we had to visit my granny's house in Batu Pahat(rock white)

So here's the road to the Kampung. can't see the house right? 

well here's the house! 3 cars too, i think all of them belong to my cousins. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Sunday, January 18, 2009

here's a trip down memory lane!


i've been reading the book Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller and i came across something he wrote.

anyway, this is the background info/ context/ of the bunch of italics, according to him.

'I had been working on a play called Polaroids that year. It was the story of one man's life from birth to death, each scene delivered through a monologue with other actors silently acting out parts behind the narrator as he walks the audience through his life journey. In the scene I had written a few nights before, I had the man fighting with his wife. They were experiencing unbearable tension after losing a son in a car accident the year before. I knew in my heart they were not going to make it, that Polaroids would include a painful divorce that showed the ugliness of separation. But I changed my mind. After talking with Paul I couldn't do it. I wondered what it would look like to have the couple stick it out. I got up and turned on my computer. I had the lead character in my play walk into the bedroom where his wife was sleeping. I had him kneel down by her and whisper some lines:

What great gravity is this that drew my soul toward yours?

What great force, that though I went falsely, went kicking, went disguising myself to earn your love, also disguised, to earn your keeping, your resting, your staying, your will fleshed into mine, rasped by a slowly revealed truth, the barter of my soul, the soul that I fear, the soul that I loathe, the soul that: if you will love, I will love. I will redeem you, if you will redeem me? Is this our purpose, you and I together to pacify each other, to lead each other toward the lie that we are good, that we are noble, that we need not redemption, save the one that you and I invented of our own clay?

I am not scared of you, my love, I am scared of me.

I went looking, I wrote out a list, I drew an image, I bled a poem of you. You were clever, but I was smarter, perhaps the only one smarter, the only one able to lead you. You see, love, I did not love you, I loved me. And you were only a tool that i used to fix myself, to fool myself, to redeem myself. And though I have taught you to lay your lily hand in mine, I walk alone, for I cannot talk to you, lest you talk it back to me, lest I believe that I am not worthy, not deserving, not redeemed.

I want desperately for you to be my friend. But you are not my friend; you have slid up warmly to the man I wanted to be, the man I pretended to be, and I was your Jesus and, you were mine. Should i show you who I am, we may crumble. 

I am not scared of you, my love, I am scared of me.

I want to be known and loved anyway. Can you do this? I trust by your easy breathing that you are human like me, that you are fallen like me, that you are lonely, like me. My love, do I know you? What is this great gravity that pulls us so painfully toward each other? Why do we not connect? Will we be forever in fleshing this out? And how will we with words, narrow words, come into the knowing of each other? Is this God's way of meriting grace, of teaching us of the labyrinth of His love for us, teaching us, in degrees, that which He is sacrificing to join ourselves to Him? Or better yet, has He formed our being fractional so that we might conclude one great hope, plodding and sighing and breathing into one another in such a great push that we might break through into the known and being loved, only to cave into a greater perdition and fall down at His throne still begging for our acceptance? Begging for our completion? 

We were fools to believe that we would redeem each other. 

Were I some sleeping Adam, to wake and find you resting at my rib, to share these things that God has done, to walk you through the garden, to counsel your timid steps, your bewildered eye, your heart so slow to love, so careful to love, so sheepish that I stepped up my aim and became a man. Is this what God intended? That though He made you from my rib, it is you who is making me, humbling me, destroying me, and in so doing revealing Him.

Will we be in ashes before we are one?

What great gravity is this that drew my heart toward yours? What great force collapsed my orbit, my lonesome state? What is this that wants in me the want in you? Don't we go at each other with yielded eyes, with cumbered hands and feet, with clunky tongues? This deed is unattainable! We cannot know each other!

I am quitting this thing, but not what you think. I am not going away.

I will give you this, my love, and I will not bargain or barter any longer. I will love you, as sure as He has loved me. I will discover what I can discover and though you remain a mystery, save God's own knowledge, what I disclose of you I will keep in the warmest chamber of my heart, the very chamber where God has stowed Himself in me. And I will do this to my death, and to death it may bring me.

I will love you like God, because of God, mighted by the power of God. I will stop expecting your love, demanding your love, trading for your love, gaming for your love. I will simply love. I am giving myself to you, and tomorrow I will do it again. I suppose the clock itself will wear thin its time before I am ended at this altar of dying and dying again.

God risked Himself on me. I will risk myself on you. And together, we will learn to love, and perhaps then, and only then, understand this gravity that drew Him, unto us.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Come, O thou traveler unknown

   Come, O thou Traveler unknown

 Come, O thou Traveler unknown,   whom still I hold, but cannot see!   My company before is gone,   and I am left alone with thee.   With thee all night I mean to stay,   and wrestle till the break of day;   with thee all night I mean to stay,   and wrestle till the break of day.  
        I need not tell thee who I am,   my misery and sin declare;   thyself hast called me by my name,   look on thy hands and read it there.   But who, I ask thee, who art thou?   Tell me thy name, and tell me now.   But who, I ask thee, who art thou?   Tell me thy name, and tell me now. 
 Yield to me now, for I am weak,   but confident in self despair!   Speak to my heart, in blessing speak,   be conqured by my instant prayer.   Speak, or thou never hence shalt move,   and tell me if thy name is Love.   Speak, or thou never hence shalt move,   and tell me if thy name is Love. 
 'Tis Love! 'tis Love! Thou diedst for me,   I hear thy whisper in my heart.   The morning breaks, the shadows flee,   pure, Universal Love thou art.   To me, to all, thy mercies move;   thy nature and thy name is Love.   To me, to all, thy mercies move;   thy nature and thy name is Love. 
came across this oriental sounding hymn. really nice lyrics, and somehow i get the 
insight that some of those english gentlemen with the funny hair and cardboard clothes
are not as prim and proper(and forever grammatically correct)as I imagine them to be.
that there's a similar sense of that humble longing for familiarity with God.